Health Care Without Walls
A Roadmap for Reinventing U.S. Health Care.
“Imagine a health care system that came to you – a system that met you, as an individual, where you are, in your home, workplace, or community, in part through such ‘virtual care’ modalities as telehealth.
Such a system would anticipate your needs and work to keep you as healthy as possible, and view any of your needs to access “sick care” as a possible sign that the system had let you down.
This system would address the upstream drivers of your health status, and yet be as convenient and accessible as other elements of your life that you now take for granted, like ordering online. Such a system could be called ‘Health Care Without Walls.’
In this 2018 book, Dentzer and her colleagues envisioned the needed changes that would bring about a true system of Health Care Without Walls – and even previewed how having such a system would be useful in responding to a pandemic. Talk about visionary!